
Dec 2008
5:04 PM EDT

Like flies on shit

Thanks to Dj I�couldnt �get the I.D. I need to get married. I have two choices either get another one or find out what he did with my i.d. I have searched the house and cant find it, yesterday I got the b.certificate with the raised seal so� that is fine. I must have the picture id before the 23of january which I will because I will make it happen believe me. Well I have the rent money so Iam very happy about that now I just need to figure out how Iam going to pay my phone bill. God will work it out for both of us financially and otherwise. There will be changes in 2009, my kids are in for a shock I am going to be on them like flies on shit ! Every move they make Iam going to breathing down their necks, they lack discipline I dont blame anyone but myself for this. Daniel is in for a rude awakening. We talked late into the night cant recall who fell asleep first usally its him, yet I think it was me this time. Oh yeah got my glasses today too, its gonna take some getting use to that is for sure. Not really my style but hey at leats I can see lol.

Were getting better aquainted with each other as the days turn into weeks. He is quite comfortable asking personal questions it seems. Yesterday he asked how often did I masturbate and I replied "not enough". Im sure my boldness was a suprise . I� am opening up to him, and learning to trust him. Iam concerend about our intial meeting, will he be the same person will I be the same person. will there be strange silence that we both try to fill with innate words ? Not sure what to expect., feeling a little nervous/ anxious. He is so unique, from his humor to his views about life� as a christian. He is very open minded� this is a plus. Which is something I shared with Eli I also told him he didnt mind me wearing jeans or being abstract. He found this� revelation hard to accept, in addition to the fact that he isnt trying to sex me. It obvious he isnt receptive to me dating anyone with out his approval which I dont need.� Eli many references to my "good pussy" is a turn off, Iam not my vagina. All these years and he still manages to objectify me.� It is as if he lurking around the corner of my� new life praying that it will come unglued so he can say "I told you so". He got kinda sour the other week when I told him that i would not be coming to his home late at night to "chill". He cant fuck so that is not the issue,� however his lack of respect for the word NO is . Ruth says I should stop talking to Eli she is right, he does not have my best interest at heart, he� ulterior motive is to get fucked not happening. Sexually he repulses me, he dick is smaller than my thumb and b4 I can count to 20 its over.

�Enough about Eli, my "man" is in church 2night being about God's biz.� A man that loves god and me is ideal. If he never alters his personality it would be cool with me. Im cogitating� running into his arms when� I see him, it is going to take alot of restraint on my part to play it cool.


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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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