
Dec 2008
7:50 AM EDT


�Damn is all� I can say, Cant get enough of him sure the feeling is reciprocal.� It is� hard to be this so far away from him. When that date in january comes I m going to feel such relief. We havent discussed future plans but I plan to leave all of this behind and dont look back! The only thing I will be taking is our clothes. I have a funny feeling that he is going to suprise me in some way when� I get there. Yesterday I got my birth certificate and today Iam going to dmv� to get my picture id. I need to wash clothes so we can have something clean to wear.� I thought he was broke but I found the antihesis to be true, he never brags. yet� hes is doing well for himself, I gather he didnt tell me about� his financial status because he want to be assured that I wasnt after money. I am not� concerned about his income, because I am going to have my own. I talked to him about my� plan to write a book, he is very business minded as well as smart. Quite suprising, to know he is knowledgeable about many different topics. I dont ever want to be anywhere else than with him, by his side in his bed in his head especially. Iam going to write the book and it wont be my only one he is going to help my dreams become a vibrant reality. He worries about the fact that I feel unworthy, he should be concerned. This is how I feel I asked him what did I do to deserve this, cant remember what verbatim he said but it was good.

We talk about everything, no holds barred what I like most is his openess and his unbiased nature. Looking forward to�starting college. Iam going to look on the internet for a ghost writer. He said something to me in regards to why I have been able to start my book LTHB that makes sense. I cant or write about something I have yet to experience.

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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