
Oct 2008
1:54 PM EDT

Nothing but Words

�I was watching a sermon on you tube entitled single women that said you need to remain hidden and allow that good man to find you. Some of the stuff I agreed with some of it not so. Nothing wrong with getting in position so the a potential good man can find you. On to another topic, Daymon. He has me confused. I am unaware of what I did wrong. Abruptly he got off the phone with me (yesterday)guess, he didnt want to chat me with me. I felt guilty, horrible, I never intended to hurt him. He says it isnt me, then who� is it? Is there someone else? Or is he truly not ready. If the latter is the case then I would like to understand better why I attract men who arent complete. Iam complete, I have closure, hell I havent been in a serious relationship in 4 years. What about me says that Iam not worthy, a throwback/reject? I was begining to think I could possibly invest my sincerest emotions as well as time into daymon.� Despite all the things I complain� about in regards to him, he has some wonderful qualities.� Not the begging kind so if he doesnt want me I will kick rocks. I began to develop feeling for him not love or anything like that. Perhaps more of caring, I relished being close to him, hearing his beating heart, hisfingers tracing my back.

I need to be loved understood, appreciated, maybe he isnt the one for the job. Who is? Is the question of late. Sure which I could summon my husband on the scene with the snap of a finger or some magic potion or words. Maybe prayer will do the trick. A prophet once told me its not good for me� to be alone, well a truer word has never been spoken!

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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