
Sep 2008
12:26 PM EDT

You got me trippin, stumbling.......

Not much is going on today, I know I need to get this house in order since Elease is coming tomorrow around� three or four to check things out. Have alot of laundry to do and very little money. Hate asking people to help me mama gave twenty the other day. Which helped me out, worried about alot of stuff that Iam powerless over .Any who I noticed� Daymon and Walt called me last night.I �heard the phone ring I just didnt want� answer it. Maybe Walt felt a little slighted, that wasnt my intention at all. I was actually� felt/feel kind of bad about what went down between us. Sin does this to ya. We spoke this morning, then he came by before he went to work. I was stil in my lougne gear, shorts and a t shirt.He did'nt seem to mind.� Although he had on sunglasses I sense he was undressing me with his eyes. Which he readily admits. What I find most refreshing about Walt is his�demeanor� towards me isnt predicated on trying to impress others. He is unchanging whether were alone� around other people.� LIke today for instance my neighbors were out when he drove up, Walt was still walt copping a feel, putting� his hands on my ass. licking my ear.. hmm if he was trying temp me it worked!� I did tell him that what transpired btwn will not happen again. Bet he dont believe it.��He was smelling so good today mmm.��For two years he's tried to talk to me,he wasnt t someone I'd typically be intersted in.....never fathomed things would unfold like this. Man something is going on� between us, is it my pheramones? Cant be sex, that only occured once. Besides I had this feeling before anything popped off. I remember when he told me he a friend, I was spitting mad! Another time walt told me bout� how much time he allocates to work, this provoked to tell him fuck you more than once. Men are stupid/ clueless/he should have known by my reaction that somehing up with me. Why do I conduct myself� this way I cant explain it.� We have never declared that� were official so�I shouldnt be trippin like I do!

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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