
Sep 2008
1:44 PM EDT

Not I

Let me start again, I started this journal then someone got on my computer and messed things up. Daymon just showed up at my door but when I pulled the same thing it was a big issue. Such a hyprocite is all there is to say abut the matter.Heard that my brother went back to prison, not feeling any empathy for him. Have no plans to visit him in his current state. He has done over 17 years in prison one would be inclined to believe he is tired of that life. Wade's girlfriend has been sticking by him, why oh why.Oh well, on to another subject: Walt. Saw him last night, not sure what is going on. We have similar personalities both strong willed, assertive also driven. What draws me to him I cannot say. Beauty and the beast is an adequate depiction of us. He shared I shared, then came to the conlcusion not to define this. Were not officially exclusive, but he is the closest thing to having a significant� other. It feels like a relationship though. Just dont want to go through any drama. Despite my rudeness walt has been very kind to me. Was surpised to hear he"s been watching me for awhile! Something indescribable is lingering between us. Would'nt say it's love, too premature for that.(Wonder if he feels it as well.)

Perhaps lust,or could it be that I have been out of circuit for so long that my emotions are guiding me rather than reality? If he never put into words how he feels for me or about me it's all good. Walt reveals alot without being aware of it. Everytime he kisses me, hold me, I sense a longing or is it my own.

Daymon hmm what can I say about him? Yes he's handsome, this isnt enough to satiate me. He seems to want to hear and judge. As if his life is so pristine. Being held, cuddled isnt easy for him, always has to take it to another level. I prefer intimacy over sex all day every day. Just holding me, chillin', kissing makes me feel wanted.��Walt's genteel manner penetrates the shield worn to protect, it has many holes in it. Who can resist being treated well? Not I.

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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