
Sep 2008
9:56 AM EDT

Hello is anyone home?

I want to knock on Eli's head and ask is anyone home in there. He claims he doesnt want me. Yet he is slapping me on my ass undoing my bra. Not all in the same day.� Asking me when am I going to marry him. When can we go shopping for a ring, if I ask him for some money he claims he's broke. He wants what every man wants some ass. But I aint giving up shit!

When I've explained that Im just not that into him it gets funky. He says he's "madly in love with me." this isnt the case, he just wants to get fucked and�cant stop hoping it will happen. His dick is smaller than my pinky,�I can pop a bag of buttery popcorn in the time� that he cums.Less than� three minutes! He is a control freak, fo real. He believes he can run my life, my kids , my house better than me. If I dont do things his way, which he considers the right way, his world will end. With all sincerity, my mind tells me he's coo coo. When I� am nice he misconstrues it for me wanting him. Can you say yuck. No matter how many times I have told I dont appreciate his endless advances, he continues.... this is disrespectful! I will never be with a man like him who has a problem with rejection or the words HELL NO! He begs for pussy! then cant keep it up. he needs to get delivered, having that spirit/demon whatever it is cast out. Im talking mad shit cause I got my issue (s) in order:)

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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