
Sep 2008
9:35 AM EDT

Why I do what I do

ok here I go. Not much has happened today, Daymon called me. I guess he spoke to Larry who regurgitated what I told him. In regards to having a boyfriend and it getting serious. He/they are both very childish. Which is why I hung up the phone on him, he called back. Probing me for answers about my whereabouts lastnight and with whom. He is very nosy, he thinks�comprehends �the innerworkings of my mind. Well he doesnt . And for him (this maybe a problem) me dating 2-3 men while desiring a husband. What should I be doing twittling my thumbs until mr. right, knight and shining armor decides to step up on the scene? I dont think so, just because he is so lonley like akon says, it doesnt have to be me nor will it be. Initally I liked him then he started getting annoying, his�relentless inqueries disturb me most about him. He shocked me when he said something to the affect that he thought he was my boyfriend. Where did the hell did that shit come from, I clearly told� him I considered him a friend period!

Randy is coming on strong, it is apparent how he feels about me, too bad its not reciprocal. I dont mind going out with him to the movies or dinner. This is cool, but by no strectch of the imagination do I consider him marriage material.� He was stunned to silence when I revealed that is what I� prefer. I refuse to be"terminally single".I enjoy chilling with him which is pretty much it. I cant forsee a future with him.� We/he planned to take me out to the movies. Unbe knownst to him walt wants to take me out to eat.

The other day I met someone at the bus stop exchanged numbers. His name is Gene he is 40 something, new to the area. Kind of not my type, ok not kind of he is not my type at all. He speaks very country, no� college degree, no car. Why do I even bother I dont know, why I do some of� the shit I do.

�Walt is cool too but� ahh nothing. As in nothing will transpire between us. He is so lustful. Today I could feel his eyes watching my ass move as I walked away. He called me to him just so he could see me walk. He is a trip. but at least� there isnt any guessing with him. one thing's for sure, he is all man!

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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