
Sep 2008
1:48 PM EDT

I got that Good Good

�ok Iam getting more and more frustrated by the minute. Daniel is going to make me beat his ass, my sister's kids are ok right now. They are a little hard headed at times. I havent a clue as to what she plans to do about her living arrangements. Bet she doesnt care. She needs to figure it out. One to another topic. Daymon hasnt called all day. I guess he talked to larry. Perhaps the joke is on them both. I cant stop my mind from wandering. Tony keeps coming to the fore front of� my mind. I need to leave this house. Dont want to chill with randy the guy I met a year ago. Or daymon cause I cant loosen up and be myself. Herbie will never get oustside the friendship zone, nice to chat with but nothing more. He is very clear about what he wants, besides I have a funny feeling he is in a relationship with his baby mama. Then there's Eli, who believes I need a total makeover, begining with my hair or lack thereof. Will it ever happen? Who out there is like me radical, progressive, or fearless? I dont want to marry or date a carbon copy of myself. Jeez is having something in common so bad though? I need intimacy right now. How can I get it? That is without giving up the goods? Tony comes to mind... had to back up off of him. Last time he was off the meter. Got all aggressive, quite scary. He choked slapped me during sex. I would enjoy being held by someone nice.

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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