
Sep 2008
10:29 AM EDT

The dog gone girl is mine

I just got off the phone with walt the guy I took keyboading with @mcc. He is crazy, he makes me laugh.� Sunday he gave�dj� and I a ride to church, this was the only time he's seen� me in a dress. Walt was like damn girl you fine,� he cut some one off in traffic just so he could get a closer look at my legs.� It is nice to�be wanted. on to another topic, Daymon. The handsome, arrogant often judgemental, controlling sexy as hell deacon@. Yeah the one I have been liking for ions! I finally gathered� the courage to call him, to say he was shocked is stating it midly. We have been chatting on the phone for� a few days.� It's obvious he's been hurt. So have I, may times. He has some character flaws, but this doesnt prevent me from wanting to know more of him. In the short period of� time that I've been aquainted with him he's managed to�reduce me to tears, touch my soul as well as break down some barriers. Often times I can see how fragile also vunerable he is.

�Yet, I can not help wonder if this is a game for him though. Seriously. He's larry's friend who swears Iam sent from heaven for him alone. Larry and I have never had a relationship nor will we ever!� larry believes that Daymon� is the man in my life. Why daymon would mislead larry or taunt him with blatant untruth's is beyond me. I think Daymon is down right cruel!� Im thinking this is some type of competition for them both. Two grown men behaving like kids! Daymon thinks I enjoy this attention, I dont. My intent is not to hurt either of them. I already made it clear (or at least I think so) to daymon that I am interested in him alone at this point.

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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