Dread and the Fugitive Mind

Jan 2011
2:42 PM CST

Life Sucks.....

Im back to having nothing. Nothing that makes me happy, at least. Obviously im still alive, im breathing, i have the basics. But im missing things that i need. I cant say what exactly im missing because i dont even know. I just feel empty, segregated from everyone else. Everyone in�the world seems so diverse to me, but at the same time, so very monotonous. All anybody cares about is the image they're throwing to the world, trying to fit in as best as they can without even once considering�being real, being themselves. There is no more originality anymore (sometimes i wonder if there ever was to begin with) everyone is just borrowing the mind of the one next to them. No one can think for themself. A pepsi is still a fucking pepsi�even if it comes in a coke can. The only image i try portraying to the world is who�I am and what i stand for. I think i've don a good job so far at doing this, but some times i wonder if the world looks at me the same way i look at myself in the mirror, but i doubt it.�I dont know what to do, how to feel, or where to go from here. I believe in fate, i know i have no control over whats going to happen. If something was meant to happen then its going to happen one way or another. I feel like im waiting. Waiting for SOMEthing, but i dont know what. As much as i hate change, somethings have to change. That's just how things work. Fuck my life.

1 comment(s) - 06:51 PM - 01/23/2011

MyNameIsSteve's Profile

  • Username: MyNameIsSteve
  • Gender / Age: Male, 32
  • Location: USA - Illinois
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    MYNAMEISSTEVE's Interests:

    About Me: My name is Steve. I am an over zealous music fanatic (especially when it comes to megadeth). I believe in being myself to the fullest extent and will not ever pretend to be something that I'm not.

    Interests: I like writing, playing guitar/bass, listening to and researching my favorite bands, and drawing

    Favorite Music: Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, Death, Kreator, Obituary, Ministry, Nirvana, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Public Enemy, NWA, Bone Thugs N Harmony, La Coka Nostra, Ill Bill, Aerosmith, Thin Lizzy, Pink Floyd, System Of A Down, Cannibal Corpse, Twisted Sister, Black Sabbath, Overkill, Pestilence, Death, Six Feet Under, Razor, Pantera, Exodus

    Favorite Movies: The Warriors, American History X, The Lion King, Fight Club

    Favorite Television: South Park, Futurama, That Metal Show, Tosh.0

    Favorite Books: Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir, Slaughterhouse five, Heavier Then Heaven