MsErin's Journal

Feb 2007
2:11 PM PST

It's nice to think your opinion matters, isn't it? But then of course, it's devastating when you realize that everyone has just been pissing in your ear. That someone is teling you one thing, and the second you turn around, they say what they really mean. It's only a matter of time before one realizes that they either can't bare to be ignored anymore. Then again, there is always the possibility that my spirit will finally be broken, and I won't know what my opinion is anymore. Or else I will care even less than everyone else. The quote by Raymond Hull, that says "He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." could not have proven more true. Here I am, nothing
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MsErin's Profile

  • Username: MsErin
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: Canada