
Jan 2008
5:42 PM EDT

Today was the first day back, and was it boring. I just couldn't stop thinking of the fact that those annoying days of teachers excessively talking and tests, and homework came back. Vacation just seemed so relaxing, even though they seemed very short, boring, and uninteresting.

But anyways, not here to whine about homework, instead, to avoid homework, I would like to talk to friends online, myspace, msn, and everything. I'm taking a "break" from homework. Write to me, I'd like to meet somebodyhere. c/b

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LyaDanae's Profile

  • Username: LyaDanae
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    LYADANAE's Interests:

    About Me: Well, my name is Cynthia, but call me Lya. Well, I like to do so many things, I like to draw, paint, write, read, listen to music, dance, act, play sports, play cards, and to play Sudoku, Word Search, Crosswords puzzles, and play boardgames, and so many other crazy things teenagers do. I have the best of the best friends anybody can have, and I would somehow consider myself a normal person, with a somehow perfect life, but what can I say, not everybody's different, right? Because, what I think, is that everybody has a perfect, and very good story to tell. But I don't have it, yet. I think that everybody has a story to tell, maybe not right now, but in some time in their lifetime, they will, just like me.

    Interests: My interests are, well in the future, I would like to be a psychologist, but at the same time, I would like to still have time to do all those crazy things I like to do. I'm afraid I might not, so I am still searching some type of job that fits me, cause I feel like time is running away from me.

    Favorite Music: Favorite music, I like all types of music, but my favorite song, if you ask, is "Hero" from Enrique Iglesias, and "Somebody's Me". I also like Celine Dion, Lu, Reik, Pepe Aguilar, and many other singers that won't even fit on this tiny article, so I've got to stop.

    Favorite Movies: I like ALOT! Can't even narrow them down. But I also like all types of movies, drama, action, comedy, and horror, and all those that are based on books also.

    Favorite Television: Anything there is at that time.

    Favorite Books: I've read alot, and also like them all, but forgot their names, but one of my favorites is "A Perfect Day" by Richard Paul Evans.