LovesSuicide's Journal

Nov 2006
11:12 PM EDT

The Person I admire the most is God! I definately don't see many qualities belonging to Jesus in myself. I could never amount to Jesus Christ. Its physically not even possible. I am a die hard Christian. Walking this is deffinatly difficault! But those of you out there that arent really sure what who you are nd what your purpos is in life... i highly suggest dutig off our old bible! Life is such an amazing journey... Why not want to share it walking with the Lord and Savior! I Have really grown to find myself even since i have found Jesus Christ. Im a better person, i dont as many mistaks anymore, and i really know who i am. I have discovered inner confidence that i didnt eve know i owned! Really pick up the Bible... I promise it will scare the hell out of you!

LovesSuicide's Profile

  • Username: LovesSuicide
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Montana
    LOVESSUICIDE's Interests:

    About Me: I love God + Fourwheeling + Family + Rain + Snow + Hail + Pittsburg Steelers + Sun + Make up + My Signature + Flowers + Pink + Orange high heels + Leapord Print + Drawing + FOX Racing + My Phone + My iPod + Chilling + Getting My Nails Done + Working on Fourwheelers + Stars + Ice + T.V + Hearts + Raulph Lauren + Purfume + Playig Guitar + Sleep + Frinds + Writing + Drama (keeps life interesting) + Reading + Fights + Tension + Being nervous + Roses + Candles + Guys + High School + The Bible + Being Hot + Being Cold + AIM + Email + Diarys + Swetpants + Sparkles + Itunes + Artwork + Movies + Feathers + Sleepovers + Differant Food + Trying New Things + White + Black + Crosses + Kissing + Dirt + Keys + RED BULL + Stripes + Motercycles + Racing + Football + Trucks + Dodge Dakoda Sports + Being Blonde + Balloons + Beads + Angels + Big Earings + Hooker Boots and Hoops + LIFE!

    Interests: !FOURWHEELING!

    Favorite Music: Everything... I have my own Style

    Favorite Movies: The Passion Of The Christ, A Walk To Remember

    Favorite Books: The Bible, The Profit, A Day No Pigs Would Die, A Part Of The Sky