Loops67's Journal

Nov 2008
7:27 AM EDT

I'm here..forever..to rot...forever..being bored..forever

Having a suckky time lately? Join the club. Population..2. you and Me. Donesn't it seem like everyone have something to talk about? Wheather it's They're new Bf. Or how awesome their mall trip is gonna be, or some amazing vacation to Europe? Yeah..It sucks. Anyways, Every thing is going down hill... My Friends are all leaving me here to rot, with my only company availability being My best guy friend...Fun right? kinda..Not entirly..

Loops67's Profile

  • Username: Loops67
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - New York
    LOOPS67's Interests:

    About Me: Hey. Working on the whole..photo situation... Someone cleaned out my computer and erased them all. So stupid. I'm a blonde. And I fricking hate it. The whole Dumb Blonde thing... Only applies occasionally. I fall down a lot. Most of the time down the stairs. Or up them. It's hilarious!

    Interests: Music, History, Drawing (I'm not very good), Hanging with Friends, and etc.

    Favorite Music: Good Charlote My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy We The Kings Aerosmith

    Favorite Movies: Gilbert Grape (Saddest movie on the planet) The Ring Andersonville Horton Hears a Who (Saw it 4 times in theatre!!) Prom Night (My S.S. teacher looks like the stalker in that!!)

    Favorite Books: Eighth Grade Bites Ninth Grade Slays : Both The Vladamire Tood Books The Ashleys 1 & 2 Prom Assasin - Lady Grace Mysteries