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Loops67's Journal
Oct 2008
12:54 PM EDT
MONTHLY POST!!! -Topic: SChool (the good and bad)
OH COME ON!!! I JUST WROTE THIS ALL AND NOW IT"S GONE!! STUPID ENTRY!!! Anyways..TOday was awesome. Set a new record for my self and it's amazing. I've gone 4 full Days without falling on my face. It's amazing I know. BUt that doesn't include me falling on my back in gym (which sucks[both gym and falling]). Joined the swim team. That was fun. had an amizing time met some pretty awesome people. THAT'S RIGHT WHAT THEY SAY IS TRUE!! "Try out for a sport you'll make new friends!" MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Math sucks. I never get what's going on. (the sad part is that I'm in advaced. ) Well Elglish rocks the socks. ALl we do is talk and occasionaly read or read a play. Which isn't that bad. Science is a total bore. Social Studies...Now that's the most amazing class ever. Most amazing teacher. He picks on us and makes it interesting. (AND BALD!!!) He's 26....Uhm my best friend had a crush on him last year..HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! My best friend also dyed her hair blue!!!!! Anyways, moving on. My friends are amazing and my best guy friend is so toally awesome. I used to like him, actually he's my ex-bf. but anyways< school rocks...some of the time other times it sucks miget monkeys! HAVE A GREAT MONTH!!!!
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Loops67's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 30
USA - New York
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LOOPS67's Interests:
About Me:
Hey. Working on the whole..photo situation... Someone cleaned out my computer and erased them all. So stupid. I'm a blonde. And I fricking hate it. The whole Dumb Blonde thing... Only applies occasionally. I fall down a lot. Most of the time down the stairs. Or up them. It's hilarious!
Music, History, Drawing (I'm not very good), Hanging with Friends, and etc.
Favorite Music:
Good Charlote My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy We The Kings Aerosmith
Favorite Movies:
Gilbert Grape (Saddest movie on the planet) The Ring Andersonville Horton Hears a Who (Saw it 4 times in theatre!!) Prom Night (My S.S. teacher looks like the stalker in that!!)
Favorite Books:
Eighth Grade Bites Ninth Grade Slays : Both The Vladamire Tood Books The Ashleys 1 & 2 Prom Assasin - Lady Grace Mysteries