Loops67's Journal

Aug 2008
8:15 AM EDT

Update For you!

I have officially decided that I will now once monthly be posting publicly. BE HAPPY! School starts in a few days! WHOOOOO. hahaha yeah right. We're all depressed about it. I know. Goodbye summer. We will all miss you
1 comment(s) - 03:17 PM - 08/28/2008

Loops67's Profile

  • Username: Loops67
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - New York
    LOOPS67's Interests:

    About Me: Hey. Working on the whole..photo situation... Someone cleaned out my computer and erased them all. So stupid. I'm a blonde. And I fricking hate it. The whole Dumb Blonde thing... Only applies occasionally. I fall down a lot. Most of the time down the stairs. Or up them. It's hilarious!

    Interests: Music, History, Drawing (I'm not very good), Hanging with Friends, and etc.

    Favorite Music: Good Charlote My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy We The Kings Aerosmith

    Favorite Movies: Gilbert Grape (Saddest movie on the planet) The Ring Andersonville Horton Hears a Who (Saw it 4 times in theatre!!) Prom Night (My S.S. teacher looks like the stalker in that!!)

    Favorite Books: Eighth Grade Bites Ninth Grade Slays : Both The Vladamire Tood Books The Ashleys 1 & 2 Prom Assasin - Lady Grace Mysteries