Lolastar18's Journal

Nov 2008
7:41 AM EDT

Been off of school today and my neck is notted. and the nots have nots !! and when i tilt my head my vains pull in my shoulders and it stings. but it isnt as bad as it sounds actually. its very weired but yet everything is weired in my life hehe. but im used to it , its my life. Plus it doesnt meen that i cannot enjoy it. I usually enjoy life even at hardest of times, i jut think that i am MUCH more lucky than people that dont have ANYTHING i mean i have a home, food, clothes, water, showers, shoes, paper, pens, school, parents and a family ETC, ETC, ETC but almost half of the population of the world dont have all that. so thats my way to get over things if their object or food related but theres other things im not sure really though.

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Lolastar18's Profile

  • Username: Lolastar18
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: United Kingdom
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