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LetsCauseAScene's Journal
Jul 2007
7:18 PM EDT
This day is over once again
It went by so fast
Today was another movie day
i've been doing that a lot lately
its okay though i guess
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Jul 2007
1:03 PM EDT
what a boring day
I've got to find something to do
atleast next month i will have more to do
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Jul 2007
8:33 PM EDT
The person i admire the most is my brother
hes very responsible
and seems to know what hes doing with his life
and he doesnt let other people tell him what to do with it
Im not sure if i see myself as him right now
but maybe someday.
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Jul 2007
8:31 PM EDT
Summer Time
I just love it other than the fact its almost over
i mean only one more month left and i will be back in school
but i guess so far ive had a really good summer
hanging out with friends.. getting to see my brother.. the beach
its been good
i have had a lot of time to think to
and ive noticed that im finally pretty much over the guy i never thought i would get over i just dont want to waste my time on somebody whos never going to be there for me.
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Apr 2007
6:25 PM EDT
Hello to anyone who actually cares to read this. So I decided to start one of these online journal things, who knows if I will actually stay with doing it though. Im really going to try to though. Im on spring break right now and its actually been really nice other than the fact thatI havent really done anything exciting and that my dad moved out.Break is way better than not being in school though.I went shopping today which was pretty fun I absolutely love getting new clothes whenever I can. Im going back to school in a couple days and I still havent even began all of my homework. Im not kidding I have a insane amount of homework and I dont think I will ever finish it. Maybe I shouldn't be on the computer but then again I really dont want to get off the computer right now. I think I will go listen to music.Quote Of The Day:
She always loved to help other people fix their mistakes, but she never seemed to be able to fix her own.
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LetsCauseAScene's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 34
USA - California
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About Me:
Im Cassie I Live in lovely California Its Summer Time I love it. :]
Mainly I like to hang out with my friends and listen to music or just do anything thats fun. :]
Favorite Music:
Augustana The Format BoysLikeGirls All-American Rejects Plain White T's BandCamp TakingBackSunday Switchfoot Motion City Soundtrack and much more
Favorite Movies:
The Wedding Singer A lot like love Sleepover The Guardian The Breakfast Club Sixteen Candles Cast Away
Favorite Television:
Recently I've started watching the new show Greek and I like it Degrassi
Favorite Books:
I Like a lot of books yet I cant remember the names of them really i like to read a lot