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Nov 2018
1:22 AM IST
How Blockchain Will Affect the Business World Future
Blockchain the underplaying technology behind the most popular digital assets bitcoin has the ability to transform every industry around us. The recent year's hype over the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and other digital assets has to lead to the inception of more advanced application of Blockchain beyond the finance sector. Blockchain has Variety of uses that could drive the world around us to a more secure, decentralized, global, transparent and participatory platform.
Digging deep into Blockchain:
Blockchain today has caught everyone's attention in the fintech world with its ability to provide an immutable record of bitcoin transaction using a high-level cryptographic security. In addition to that, the Blockchain technology has several features like decentralized, secure. Immutable history, efficient and transparent that compels many from financial services companies. The distributed ledger technology (DLT) is efficient in recording data and transaction information digitally on the blocks, thus Blockchain based applications can be implemented on anything that holds value and needed to be verified including everything from the transaction, smart contracts, agreement, and legal tender to ownership.
And it finds the application in the various industries to improve trade management, supply chain process, currency transaction, peer to peer transfers, payments, assets registration, and alternative for banking, finance management, ensuring KYC and anti-money laundering.
oles of Blockchain Technology in Your Business:
To help you understand more about the impact of Blockchain in future, we bring to you the some best feature of Blockchain that can be implemented in your business.
Smart contract:
Being a DLT, Blockchain offers a public ledger which validates and records all information on its network making it more secure and reliable option for a business to store data. Smart contract technology helps business owners with a secured digital asset and security that does not need any intermediate authority for regulation.
Does not require a central authority:
Any transaction we make today either domestic or international requires a central authority that regulates the flow of money but with Blockchain, we don't require any third party intervention for making peer to peer transaction.
Supply chain management:
Traditional logistics industry faces many challenges in tracking out the package and lacks transparency and this is where Blockchain joins in, the DLT helps individual with a real-time update and increases the transparency and security of the supply chain management system.
Immutable recording:
This is yet another benefit of the technology that allows miners to validate all transactions. This technology prevents tempering of data once stored on the ledger and ensures the security of
Blockchain enabled the system.
Grab the Hold On Blockchain and Ensure Bright Future:
Considering this possibility with Blockchain, all business needs to come forward to identify how
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can define the future of their business. So don't wait, start exploring approaches on how to lay your business foundation on Blockchain and offer customer more ease and benefits. Remember that to be on the competitive edge, you need to implement the rising technology as early as possible.
How do you think Blockchain will impact the future of the business world? Share your views in the comment below.
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Jan 2019
8:49 AM IST
How Blockchain Technology Addresses the Hurdles in The Marketing Industry
Cryptocurrency is undoubtedly the most discussed topic since its inception. The technology is primarily used to carry out an online transaction easily and quickly. However, with the rapidly increasing demand and adoption in this year, the crypto market has experienced many cases of scams and fraud related to crypto trading. However, we are not here to discuss all these pros and cons or other news related to cryptocurrency. In fact, in this article, we are here to discuss the potential of Blockchain technology. This feature of cryptocurrency associated technology (Blockchain) address the challenges in the marketing industry.
Ways Blockchain Addresses the Challenge of Marketing:
It is notable that Blockchain technology is poised to impact various industries around us. It has the potential to successfully disrupt the ways industries operate and solve the issues of transparency, security, reliability and giving power in consumer's hands.
Targeting the Audience Data Made Easier:
Blockchain works on the principle of the distributed ledger. The DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) allows buyers and seller to cut out the middleman in the network. This elimination of middleman while processing any transaction on the network also eliminates the need of a third-party marketplace. So now rather than depending on any social media sites like Facebook or Google for information, Blockchain Improve transparency and allows brand building within the customer's base using the data available to them.
Reduce Cost:
Marketing involves paying a lot of money on services that allow them to build a healthy relationship with clients and customers. These services allow them to build a direct link between the firms advertising their brands and their potential consumers. In such cases, Blockchain eliminates the use of intermediates that offers these services and reduce the cost of marketing, the biggest challenge in the marketing world.
Eliminate Frauds:
The most common challenge faced by the industry today is frauds and scams that buzz around the tech world. In the marketing sector too, there are cases when sales advertising are backed by fake bots and virus. They provide the platform to hackers to hack user's data and perform frauds. Here Blockchain emerges as a solution and allows fraud verification, reduce market spending in order to secure users and improve their total spending.
Above mentioned are some of the ways, Blockchain is benefiting the marketing industry. As a marketer, we believe that you need to understand the
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and application of
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as this advanced technology has the potential to impact the marketing for today as well as in future and this is high time, you should come up to educate yourself.
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