Phyl's Flashes

Jan 2009
1:37 AM PDT

My Dad

I really need time to explore my feelings with regard to the way things seem to be going with my Dad.

I've got two very separate stories going here. There is his: He's a grieving widower, trying to be a comfort to his stepchildren, and learning to face each day alone.

Then there is mine: I've been an outsider in his life, I've had to watch him raise�his�third wife's�daughter all the while knowing he wasn't there to raise me (even worse, my younger brother). I was alienated, on occasion, by his wife and he stood�by�her. I've held hope all�the while that someday�we'd be able to build a closer relationship, I never gave up.������ I KNOW my place: I totally sympathize with his loss and the loss of my step-sibs for the�mother. For them it is a very great loss - they are suffering and I respect that, and even feel their sadness. I also�grieve for a stepmom that had been good to me at times.

With that said, there is a glimmer of new hope for me. He said some very good things to me & Bear over our last visit.�He may be really understanding his daughter�is a VIP in his life and he should show her that he values that.

That should be a no-brainer but it hasn't ever been!�

I'm very optomistic, but cautious.�

1 comment(s) - 08:17 PM - 01/12/2009

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