Tradition. When I looked that word up I saw: "A long established way of thinking or acting."
Hmm, how do we get a new one started? When do we designate what is tradition and what isn't? Who does the deciding? Yeah, who is the boss of tradition in our families??
I'm guessing that tradition starts with our elders and for them it was their elders, and so on. So if I'm correct, none of us decide our own traditions because they are foretold.
Well, that's not sitting well with me this morning. I got an email from my sister-in-law today and among other things she reminded me of where we should be for� T-day and Xmas. Shoot! I've been trying to buck the system for a long time but every year I wrestle with the same thoughts/feelings of guilt and obligation.
Tradition for other people always sounds so wonderful, for me it feels like a one way street. I should do what they want or look like a - what? Fill in the blank.
Back to square one, how does one get a tradition started? I've been having T-day & Xmas a certain way for only a few years now and I like the direction I've been headed, I believe it will evolve into my full dream eventually but only if I hang in there. So I've got to do just that and hope that no one feels slighted in the process.
I imagine I'm not the only one thinking/feeling like this. Sigh...