Phyl's Flashes

Aug 2008
12:50 AM PDT

Back on Track

Ok, so here I go again. I've got to travel over the same ground, I know the drill: exercise, eat right, eat less, no sugary or salty�snacks and stop the wine (boo-hoo).�

Oh the joys of dieting, I can do it but it just isn't fun at all! Why me? I've been good over the years, I've been exercising, eating right, yada-yada. But somehow the lb-s added up. First it was 5 extra and I struggled to loose them for quite some time until recently I resigned that they're part of the menopause phase and I'd have to live with them. It's "OK" I told myself,�"When the pandemic hits I'll suvive longer than the skinny broads out there".�Then I decided to stay off the scale for awhile, "As long as my clothes fit right what difference does the number make" is what I was telling myself. I have a friend, Cheri, and she doesn't even own a scale and she's got a great figure! Well, she did just have a tummy-tuck and a boob-job,� I did't think she needed either and now she's even more perfect (trying not to envy her).

Anyway, back to my thought, she's told me that I shouldn't obsess over the number on the scale and I've read that same thing so I gave it a shot and to my dismay I am rewarded with another 5lbs!! Thankyousomuch!

Welp, today's another day and I've got another chance so I'm going to give it my best effort. I feel energized and optomistic. I believe I can achieve my goal which is 10lbs lost. I have plenty of support from my hubbie and family, they'll enjoy eating the healthy foods too�and cheer me on. I�look forward to hearing praise-I remember how good it felt in the past, everyone loves recognition for their efforts. I look forward to having better�thoughts about myself�too, I�was thinking about the last time I saw that magic number on the scale and I clearly remember thinking that it could have been better. Today I'm kicking myself for not being happier with myself, when I get back to that number I'm going to be proud and not spend a moment thinking thoughts of�inadequacy. Being critical of myself hasn't paid off in the long run, from now on I'm going to be a good friend to myself and feel good about ME.

I can do it!

Gotta go, I've got�some sweatin to do!! I'll check back on Monday after my weigh-in. �

Kitten's Profile

  • Username: Kitten
  • Gender / Age: Female, 70
  • Location: USA - California
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    KITTEN's Interests:

    About Me: I'm a wife for life. Mother of four, grandmother of three. And then there's ME, I like scarie movies, Stephen King books, cross-stitching, gardening, exercising with my gal-pals, walks with my boyfriend and Chardonnay at the end of the day.