KenTheStoryteller's Journal

Dec 2017
12:28 AM CDT

december 18 , 2017

so ovibusly its a crime to depnd on your parents for something special for christmas. its not your fault that your parents cant get their things together its theirs and when i get old enough and have my own kids they wont have to worry about it because i wont make my kids feel bad about asking for what they want because we all deserve a chance to be happy or at least the chance to attempt happiness the chanc`e to attempt to have the life in which we deem is regulaar. No kid should have to go on in life thinking oh , my parents cant afford anything its selfish to ask for one thing nobody should ever have to spend christmas with one gift but guess what it happens and this is not to put anyone down because if my parent could only afford one gift i would be happy for that one gift . this is when i start to realize i might be a little crazy but call me crazy because for some reason i always have two opinions on everything .

KenTheStoryteller's Profile

  • Username: KenTheStoryteller
  • Gender / Age: Female, 23
  • Location: USA - Texas