KMAC's Journal

Apr 2007
5:40 PM MDT

Moving to your open space goals you need to measure (weekly) ...
> Increase energy- how did you increase and sustain your level of energy and engagement all day long?
> Save time- how did you redirect the minutes or hours you saved into higher priority areas?
> Reprioritize energy- where specifically, did you redirect your new found sources of energy into higher priority areas?
> Activate emotional experential memory- what, specifically, motivated you to take more positive actions to move forward.
> Expand your ingenuity. How did you stretch to test new views and approaches, and what worked?
> Apply new automatic drivers- what small, specific actions prompted increased drive toward your open space-goals?
> Increase teamwork- how did you collaborate more effectively or support others in hitting their own higher targets?
> Make a bigger difference- what was the most exceptional contribution you made or the most exceptional thing you accomplished?
> Bring out the best in yourself- in what specific ways did you change or grow most?

KMAC's Profile

  • Username: KMAC
  • Gender / Age: Male, 42
  • Location: Canada