Journal4Jackson's Journal

Jan 2007
2:21 AM PST

1/7/07: Woke up at normal time, ate breakfast and got ready for church. Went with Daddy to church (kid's Sunday school) had a major meltdown when it was time to leave (first time he's done that at church). Came home, I rocked him for a bit and then we played. Had a early lunch, ate well. Then we did some games at the table and afterwards watched a short video. Then played independently until naptime. Didn't sleep but rested. Got up, Daddy watched them again while Mom went out to run errands (said he was fine). Then ate dinner, he ate well. Played games and catch for awhile, then we cleaned up (he did this time, and kept saying he was excited because he was minding). Had storytime, got ready for bed and went to bed at normal time. Fell asleep within 45 minutes.
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  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - California