Jane's Journal

Jan 2007
8:30 PM EDT

January 3, 2007 Does anyone else think my life is somewhat of a soap opera? Well I certainly do. So As The World Turns so does my life. I completely enjoyed my time in Charlotte and certainly have had some crazy experiences and meet some great people. I have however decided that it is not quite the right time for me to make a move to a new city and look for a completely new line of work. I have decided to stay in Athens and work with my parents at Hartman’s. I want to continue working with Jud on the Heat and Eat meal project. Now that we our concept and menu in place the real challenge is to see if we can continue to grow our customer basis. I am excited to see where we can take this. It is a challenge that at this time is more comfortable for me. So I’m back with family and friends and very happy about that.

Jane's Profile

  • Username: Jane
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA
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