Jane's Journal
Dec 2006
9:12 AM EDT
December 9, 2006 Today I headed downtown for my first interview with a sports marketing company. To make a long store short it was a complete flop. To start the company was in a shady part of town and when I arrived the office had bars on the windows. I know that sometimes I it takes me a while to catch on but I now that bars on the windows is not a good since. So I go inside and my second clue that this may not be what I am looking for was that I was the only white person in the place. Now this is the second time this happened and the last experience worked out okay so I decided to stay and see what was up. Well it turns out that this company really does not work with NASCAR – it just markets a product that is used in NASCAR. So the marketing would be at Auto Zone and places like that. Not exactly what I am looking for!! In the afternoon I meet up with Lisa Micheals and we did some shopping at one of the local malls. Later that evening we went out for dinner and drinks. We had a great time but when I finally go home that evening about 11 pm and I was beat. You know those days without a nap are long! Jane
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Female, 58
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