Jane's Journal

Oct 2006
4:39 PM EDT

I woke up from my nap at the rest stop about 6am and continued my drive. My goal was to make it to Madison by Sunday night. The first part of my drive as absolutely beautiful. I headed north out of North Carolina which took me through Virginia and West Virginia. What a great part of the country! Much better scenery than Southern Illinois. I had to take a few additional naps on the way but I was able to make it to Madison by 10:30 pm on Sunday. About 9 pm I was quite tired and was not sure if I could make it but I stayed focused on the nice comfy bed I would have at the Holiday Inn in Madison. That certainly was a better option than sleeping in the back of my car again. The thought of those super nice sheets they have got me there.
2 comment(s) - 07:53 AM - 10/26/2006

Jane's Profile

  • Username: Jane
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA
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