Jane's Journal

Oct 2006
4:27 AM EDT

On Friday I headed out for my weekend job at Lowes Motor Speedway. I was able to get this job with a temporary agency in Charlotte so I had to go to their location and get my assignment - it was not in a very desirable location. It's the type of place that people just show up in the morning and then are sent out to work that day. When I arrived they were trying to sort out the group of people that had showed up. 3/4's of the people did not qualify for the work because they did not understand what black pants, black shoes and whie shirt was. That was the uniform that we were to wear. After about 1 hour I was finally on my way to the track. After I arrived there we were issued a uniform to wear and assigned to a suite. My responsibilites for the weekend would be to serve drinks and food for the people in my suite. The suite I was in was owned by Speedway Motorsports Inc and they were entertaining a variety of political people this weekend. On Friday I only had about 25 guests in my suite so it was not really a lot of work. It was a long day though as I started at 10 and be finished about midnight. I really had a great time working the suite and what a spectacular view we had of the race. Because there were not many people in the suite I was really able to watch to the Busch race. What a great race. I was not sure if I was even going to return for work on Saturday but It turned out to be so much fun that I would endure 1 more evening in my bad hotel so I could return for work on Saturday. J

Jane's Profile

  • Username: Jane
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA
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