Jane's Journal

Jan 2007
5:04 AM EDT

January 11, 2007 I have been living in my little apartment for over 6 months now and I am really starting to bust at the seams. When I had to move the winter clothes in I absolutely had no where to go with them. Most of my sweaters are in plastic containers and now line the perimeter of my room. I have decided that if I am going to stay in Athens for a while maybe I should look for other accommodations. So yesterday I put an offer in on a house. It’s very exciting and a little scary at the same time. It’s a nice older ranch that needs a little updating but otherwise in very good shape. The owner is in a nursing home so I meet with 2 of the children last night and gave them my offer. I should not by the end of the weekend what they decide. If all goes well I could be busy moving soon – or painting soon I should say. If anyone reads this please email and let me know if I should continue boring you with the ins and outs of my life!!!! J

Jane's Profile

  • Username: Jane
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA
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