Jaimerlyn79's Journal

Mar 2008
8:11 AM CST

This is My life

why is it that whenever something good happens in your life something has to�go bad?WELL IT HAPPENED TO ME AGAIN!!! when soemthing in ur life goes horribly long u want to tell someone well here it goes. this boy jake ive been tellin u bout, Jake, well we were becoming really really good friends but then missy came in tellin him i like him and ruined it all im never forgiving her im never forgiving him and i need all the help i can get to get over it....

This Diary Entry will be finished now... worked on later i will make this public� comment if youd like


Jan 2008
8:36 AM CST

im a little angry but for me being grounded of the phone they say i go on it to much its bc there is nothing better in my life! i mean i do hang out with my best friends but seriously i have these two worst enimies Katarina and Kristina and like they are like torchering me! ok see i have this crush on this guy Jake and he goes to my school but i tlak to him on the cp and like they say things to him about me that arent true and they say that i am mean well u know what if they wnat me to be mean then i will! its as simple as that its not like brain surgery if they think that im a jerk let them see how im gonna be now im not some braty girl who walks around doing this but i not some innocent baby who is gonna be pushed around by the evil twins! yea there twins double themean double the torcher double the hate! see this is all what happened see me and my best friends Brooke and Jessie we never liked he to much drama and she told us our bads not goods so if i said she had a nice shit she would say u dont. she is the biggest jerk i know and then she says that she is to good for us (so to speak) in an email and goes i have better ppl to be around so we agreed and she comes crawling back saying im so sorry and we didnt forgive her we said your loss and this is how this happened now they are out to get us and they will do anything that they can to make our lives a living nightmare and i completely dispise them for that i mean really who would do that?!?! defenitly not me but on the bright side i got my friends by my side which makes it extra special! see i have a lot of ups and downs in my life but i got my friends but the biggest fown in my life was when i was by myself alone with no friends in fifth grade where the drama started see now im in sixth grade free of drama but in fifth it was drama drama drama lol i had to deal with Kattie more then ever she turned the whole entire school againest me twice she made everyone think i was a whore and a cheater and i got called a whore and other things but i didnt even do anything see she would pick one person to pick on and that was always me and Danielle Gray now see Danelle moved away from the drama and went to Brittany and now they are our friends now but back then i went back with Kattie and forgave her more then enough! then she betrayed me again and i didnt except the apoligy which was this year and im so glad that i didnt! and now another trip down the stairs of sad! my best friend in my whole life Jesica is moving to a different school its the worst thing that had ever happened to me! but thats all of today and the past explaining me and my up and down life!

1 comment(s) - 02:40 PM - 01/01/2008

Jaimerlyn79's Profile

  • Username: Jaimerlyn79
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Wisconsin
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