JacobScottReinbold's Journal

Feb 2009
12:32 PM EDT

I think that I take life for granted yes it can suck at times but if u really think about it... it's so amazing.

Feb 2009
12:29 PM EDT

Well lets see

Today was kindof an interesting day all in all. School was good no problems there. I was able to talk to Stephanie today... so it makes the day even better but she told me that she needs to tell me something and I should sit down so ive been sitting here for the past..... lets just say its been a few hours. and she hasnt said anything to me at all. So what to do she's out of school now and well I guess I will find out sooner or later if it's truly that important.

Well at least I thought that I was talking to her most of the day but someone was on her name while she went to the bathroom and the nurses office. So I ended up talking to an annonomous person for about 15 minutes thinking that it was her. I really dont like it when stuff like that happens because I wanna talk to her not to anyone else. but what can I do "shit happens" I guess.

Anywho this is just me entering in my first.... entry lol so anywho


I love you stephanie hull

JacobScottReinbold's Profile

  • Username: JacobScottReinbold
  • Gender / Age: Male, 35
  • Location: USA - Michigan