IsabelPalmtree's Journal

Feb 2010
12:56 AM MST

I agree. When you're interested, you like it and like doing it from time to time or whenever you feel like it. When you're commited to something or someone, you stay and do or love until you get your outcome.

Jan 2010
9:29 AM MST

True because then you would be gaining friends. I bet it would be hard to make friends with some enemies, though. Some of your most hated enemies used to be one of your closest friends. Or at least that's how it is in my life.

Jan 2010
1:40 PM MST

Always live in the moment or you wont be able to appreciate the now.

Jan 2010
8:41 AM MST

If you have a lot of courage, more opportunities open up, making life wayyy broader and bigger. If you are a total scared-y cat, you wont take chances or do anything drastic to broaden your horizons.

Jan 2010
8:39 AM MST

I think that's a really good quote and I totally agree. I say "do something exciting, god damnit!" everyday to myself. It's one of the most important things in life, doing something amazing and fun. It doesn't have to be neccissarily worth while but whatever. it just has to be something you're glad you did. A memory you can look back at. And I think so far in my life, ive done a good job at doing my fair share of crazy, fun things. And some were weird and some were dumb but I will never have regrets. never ever. And in twenty years, no wayyy will I be disappointed with myself. And in twenty years, ill only be 34. c'mon the excitement doesn't end there.

Jan 2010
10:15 AM MST

Although the whole world, or at least America thinks it, success is not big big big consumer shit. Success is not money or mansions or fast cars and hot girlfriends/boyfriends. Success is, as this quote says, living like you want to. That is successful living. Because sometimes it's hard to live like you want to live. You feel like you need to do certain things for certain reasons, certain people, but you don't ever need to do that. You need to live for yourself.

Jan 2010
10:13 AM MST

I think it's saying that even though you can't tell from the outside usually, something big or bad can be happening on the inside of a person. Being mean to someone sad on the inside will probably deepen their sadness, maybe even putting them on the edge. You can't ever go wrong with being nice, though. They'd either get happier or stay the same in their sad world but they won't go off the deep end, at least.

Dec 2009
6:02 AM MST

Well I disagree with that. People can teach themselves things and know it really well. Yes, being taught by someone else usually helps but what if the teacher isn't very nice or helpful? I think being in charge of your own learning or whatever gets you to know stuff better, whatever it is.

Dec 2009
5:15 AM MST

I don't agree completely. I think luck happens when you are happy & positive, not when you work hard. Good fortune can come to even the laziest of people.

Dec 2009
4:38 AM MST

When you're sad or mad, you may not think you deserve love for whatever reason, but the only thing that will make you better is love. When you're happy about something or everything, love is just like a side dish. It's okay but you're already happy.

IsabelPalmtree's Profile

  • Username: IsabelPalmtree
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Idaho