Improbulus's Journal

Aug 2006
11:59 AM GMT

Links should be clickable.

Aug 2006
11:57 AM GMT

This is weird. Entries are numbered 7, 6, 5 etc but they're showing in chronological not reverse chron order. Should be option to show in rev chron order. Maybe it's by sorting. Nope. Clicking on Date to sort doesn't do anything. And why can't I edit from the page?

Aug 2006
11:55 AM GMT

I don't like being forced to reveal my gender and age. Why don't they let you choose not to show them? This isn't meant to be a pickup ASL thing is it? Or, it shouldn't be.

Aug 2006
11:53 AM GMT

Still not getting this photo thing. No pic showing. Error on clicking View Details from My Home. Think I'm going to give up!

Aug 2006
11:53 AM GMT

Why not enable export of posts in HTML/text as well as spreadsheet format?

Aug 2006
11:51 AM GMT

Where's ability to tag?

Aug 2006
11:49 AM GMT

No idea what they mean by posting journal entries via email. Fundamental, but they don't tell you what email address to send your entry to! At least I think that's what they mean. Email settings only allow you to change details of your OWN email address and the time you want emails to be sent to yourself, if that's what they mean. We'll see.

Aug 2006
11:44 AM GMT

Test by improbulus

Improbulus's Profile

  • Username: Improbulus
  • Gender / Age: Female, 19
  • Location: United Kingdom
    Photo Album

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