Hileen07's Journal

Nov 2006
4:26 AM A

Well today something great happened to me something that no one has never said to me something that I never knew what it felt like to hear something like that. my strings teacher mr.northfleet said to me Hiileen I have faith in you and you know what It was the greatest thing I have ever heard in my life now I know I can become my dream that I can do it. all my life all I have heard from my family is nothing but shit. all they can say to me is that i can become nothing. and i should forget my bollywood dream. Bollywood stands for hollywood but is for the indian superstars. I want to become an actress and all i have heard is that i can make it. and now i know i can make it because now i know i have some one who believes in me and that feels great.

Hileen07's Profile

  • Username: Hileen07
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Tennessee