My Journey, to know the Fathers heart of God.

Jun 2009
4:08 PM AEST

What people don't realize is this.. the answer to the yearn, [ache in their heart] is not found inside themselves,- there is a God shaped vacume/ void in each person's heart [only can ever be filled, or totally satisfied by recieving His Son Jesus Christ [recieving forgiveness for sins, and aknowledging, that with the Lords supernatural power & transforming Spirit we then, are transformed into His likeness.

Gaza's Profile

  • Username: Gaza
  • Gender / Age: Female, 52
  • Location: Australia
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    GAZA's Interests:

    About Me: Happily married, with 3 teenage children. I am a serious Christian, who just wants more of God!

    Interests: All things that bring the Lord glory. Reading His Word [Bible]. Spending time in His presence,through prayer, and worship. Spending time with my family. Going to church. Painting, sketching ect.

    Favorite Music: Third Day, Hillsong, P.O.D, Casting Crowns, plus I love a lot of the old hyms as well!

    Favorite Movies: Faith like potatoes, Amazing Grace, The passion.

    Favorite Television: Australian Christian Channel, God TV Chronicles of Revival- Rodney Howard Browne.

    Favorite Books: Bible Destined to Reign, by Joseph Prince