GRS's Journal

Apr 2013
8:22 PM IST

I will not let LOVE pass me by cause I am too scared... I am gonna GRAB opportunities and be BRAVE enough to speak my mind

Apr 2013
8:15 PM

Begin to Belong

I am finally starting to feel like I BELONG there.... took me long enough. I have friends and real good friends I must say... I have Opened my mind and heart again that I finally am acknowledging that FACT that I have a CRUSH on him and i catch myself looking his way hoping he smiles at me... I just wish he was a little taller, he already meets one requisite of my DREAM GUY... he plays a guitar... just wish he was taller than me. I had a lovely dream about him, wish that would come true, it was so Vivid... we in a church and he is holding my hand and we're just chilling (just like the last dream) and I am asking him why he did not bring his guitar... he gets Mad and says don't you want to spend time with me.. I say yeah but I wanted to hear you play.. He gets MAD and says well i was Hoping to talk to you... so I can tell you.. that I Like you... and RING RING my phone wakes me up. Arrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhh..... I hate when that happens... i turned the phone to silent and tried to go back to sleep hoping the dream will continue... I'll see him again on Monday.. until then :) I should begin giving myself more credit than I do.... the presentation went well... I was so GLAD that i could relate to them... and the BEST part was M hugging me ad telling me she was PROUD of me... and S just made my day. I don't wanna JINX this... But I hope things are fine for a while atleast

GRS's Profile

  • Username: GRS
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: India