FullyFocused's Journal

Jun 2007
10:47 PM EDT

so this is my FIRST entry.YAY!! haha.. but hopefully this website starts to get interesting to me and i keep up with it. anywhoo. i have good good news: i decided to begin columbus technical college again, but instead of starting in october (like i planned) i'm going to start July 9th! so yeah, thats only a few days away. i'm very much so prepared. i went shopping with my bestfriends quita, jenea, my idiot friend reggie, who brought his friend D, and my cutiepie boyfriend of 2 weeks.. well, i wont say his name [nosey ppl in my biz] so we'll just call him KING! haha! sothe boys went their separate way while us ladies went shopping. i didn't spend any money, my KING bought my shit.. haha, yes, hate bitches! so yeah, i'm set for this quarter. but on to other things.. there are3 "friends" that i'm just not interested in associating with anymore.. mainly because i feel as if i'm OUTGROWING them, moving on in life and they are in the same place, talkin about the same shit daily, as if they are just comfortable with doing absolutely NOTHING. & my daddy always told me that when u begin to have a little success in life, you find out who ur real friends are, and that is veeeeeeery true! ur real friends will congradulate u on things that u have accomplished.. whether it is as simple as u growing ur hair back to the length it was before u cut it, or something as big as ur graduation. but a fake friend does all the little sighs, and "mmhs" or better yet just get quite whenever ur do something in life. i mean, its as if they want u to just stay below them in life and watch them prosper. i've NEVER been jealous of anyone of my friends.. not matter what. i'm always proud of them.. but some just cant get me the same in return. i think i need to move on from those negative ppl in my life, and continue on my road to success. i start school again on july 9th, i finally got another job [$8.00 an hour] and i start on monday, and i've lost 34 pounds in 66 days [began on april 21st!] and i have36 pounds to go. and i've met my KING [haha]who makes me very happy. so i'm happywith MY LIFE. when will u be happy with urs????

FullyFocused's Profile

  • Username: FullyFocused
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Georgia