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FabioSoares's Profile
Gender / Age:
Male, 42
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FABIOSOARES's Interests:
About Me:
I am Fábio a 28 guy, graduated in Languages-Portuguese/English. I work with business education, recently I was aproved in a public tex so nex year I will teach english at night ina public school. I am dating for almost three years and probably I am going to be engaged on next december. I am still studyng for de FCE text and that´s why I am here to pratice my english skills with you folks!
I am really interested in meeting new people, knowing more about differente job experiencesexperiencies and, of course, improving my English skills.
Favorite Music:
My favorite type of music is rock specially from the 80's and 90's. But I also like Pop, MPB and E-Music. I always say that I couldn't live without music, without musci live would be black an white. My favorite bands and singer are Garbage, Oasis, Madonna, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Elastica ....
Favorite Movies:
I really love movies and all kinds of them, comedies romance , drama , horror... My favorite are Closer,Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Amnesia...
Favorite Television:
I don´t watch television frequently but I really like talk shows like Jo Soares, De Frente com Gabi, Fernada Young, Etc...
Favorite Books:
I am addicted to reading books, my favorite types are fantasy books like Harry Potter, Lord of rings, The Game of Thrones and so one