EroticBehavior4u's Journal

Jul 2007
9:40 AM EDT

Wounded But I Can't Let Go
The more i sit and think, the more i hurt. Knowing that i stand in danger of losing the best thing that ever happened too me.The worst part is i have no one to blame but self. But i can't help feeling like my heart is engulped in flames. It;s like i can barely hear your vioce anymore, It becomes faint day by day. How do you pick up the pieces of a broken heart that resemles a jigsaw puzzle...I struggle to keep my head above water...yet the tides of a broken heart carries me under, I gasp for breath is shallow, wondering how could i breathe without oxygen? The oxygen that shes filled me with all this time...She was my air, The only way i know how to live, my means of survival, Afraid if she spreads her wings and fly will she soar so high she'll forget the one she left behind? Or does it matter that her wings are clipped and she's wounded and can't fly, feeling like a bird with 2 wings but can't fly...Longing to soar again but theres no wind...She was my life. Now that the wind has come to a standstill, no wind, no air, no breathe, no life...struggling to regain my composure...staggering, stumbling, wondering...How do i getthe rhythm of my heart back in tune with my love for her?

EroticBehavior4u's Profile

  • Username: EroticBehavior4u
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - Louisiana
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    EROTICBEHAVIOR4U's Interests:

    About Me: I believe its our imperfections that makes us both distinctive and unique, So love who you are and be proud of it. God knows I'm still working on it.