Enigma23's Journal

Jul 2010
11:16 PM EDT

Some Thoughts

I think Forrest Gump said it best when He said "Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates you never know which one you're gonna get". That is so true when you're dealing with relationships or anything.
I love my ex and it's like we're going to be together no matter what happens. I enjoy that aspect of our relationship. He's seen me through some good times and bad. I love him so much and I couldn't get through some of the things I did without him by my side. I put him through a lot and I am happy to still have him. He is simply wonderful.
Y'all may be wondering why he's my ex if he's all these things. Right?? The truth is... I don't know why he's my ex. I guess I wanted to do me just a little bit. I mean we still do things like we're a couple and other times we don't. Since we broke up it seems like things are a good kind of different. Like how it used to be. All in all he's a really great guy and who knows ppl. Maybe we'll get married. Only the Lord knows abt that one. Men. SMH.
Life for me is going okay at this point in life. Well maybe not so much. But hey, it could be worse. This is some thing I can handle. I am happy with who I am that's really what all of this was abt. Being happy with me. I mean you can be happy with everyone else but can you ever just be happy when it's just you. Everyone should see how they handle that. I mean it's been kinda hard when you've been with someone for so long and you think you can only be happy with them. I had to learn to be happy on my own.
Don't get me wrong I hate to be alone. I like knowing that if I need you you'll be there. Trust me when I tell you. I learned that I can only make someone else happy if i'm happy with me.
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Enigma23's Profile

  • Username: Enigma23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 42
  • Location: USA - New York
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