Em1's Journal

Jun 2008
6:32 PM BST

My New Home

So it's another Saturday in sunny Wales and I've been very lazy today, was meant to doing some housework and found myself selecting my dream team for the start of�Euro 2008 most of the morning. I did manage to make cheese on toast a la Emma after rolling a few cheeky ones to wet my appetite�.�

�I have now selected my team and as we speak am watching the first match, Switzerland v the Czech Republic as I have players from both team in my superb dream team called Em's Boys! Not even sure why I'm writing a journal or why anyone wants to read what im upto today but there's not alot of action on the football and added to my new fabulous igoogle home page and thought id give it a go! Who knows if I use this to vent some of life's frustrations now and again, might reduce the amount of rolling i need to do!!!


Em1's Profile

  • Username: Em1
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: United Kingdom