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DepressGirl015's Journal
Dec 2006
4:53 PM EDT
My life has never been good.Things has happen to me with out notice.I'm 17 years old,am a 12gd.I had my worst luck in my 11th year.Many things i regret an remember.I lost many thing and got hurt like no other.I am not a good child ,but i do what is right.I met people then lost.Sometimes i feel like not getting to now anyone .They leave to fast.I just want to be happy and get permenet things ,but who am i kidding.I don't see what is happening .I get blind and get crush.Guys ask me why am i Lesbian?"I tell them because i give up on guys.They get confse.Many ask to give a try.I refuse i did it once and completely got hurt and afterwards rumors.My friends tell me i should give a try.I'm just scare and still will refuse.Eventhough they happen to be so kind.This guy told me if i wanted to now why i get hurt?"I ask why?""He told me it is just because you happen to not let anyone close to you enough to love you."I cry and walk away .Then i realize he was right.I felt bad.Now i have this guy who is strange ,but can be so sweet.He ask me out somanytimes.I turned him down somanythins as well.He deserves better than me a girl who would love every part of him.An would not wanna missed a sec with him.So I wluld go out ,but will make him understand to me he will be in my heart ,but we will be friends only.........I feel bad but at the same time is the right thing to do.....
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DepressGirl015's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 36
USA - California
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