Theres been alot on my mind as of late, and yet its still hard to type down. get it type? lol that was stupid but I couldnt help my self.. I've become so tired from stressing over school, and guys.�They dont seen to get the msg when I tell the to f-off. Why? cause their tools who think Im easy when really, Im not. They dont realize that I have self respect and am not about to get rid of it either. Guys piss me off so much. Sry if thats offensive to any of you guys. Im starting to belive that they do in fact�think more with their *junk* then their head.�once again sry�lol. And yes I am aware of the fact that not all guys are like this, but a good amount are, and frankly its getting old.�On the upside I think i did a fairley well on my�exams. though I know I most likely wont pass my�Art 2 class do to the fact that my art teacher hates me for some reason which I still have yet to figure out. And know I�have not said anything offensiive or rude to him, just so thats clear. My 16th came and left with well nothing new. I still dont have�a car�cause ,y parents thought "hey lets have her�take driver ed during the�winter!" Really? THERE IS�NO DRIVERS ED DURING THE WINTER!!! sheesh. I of course had explained this to�them and yet they�failed to accept�that for once i was right and�they were wrong. i know that sounds concede and all, but sadly�true.�Well its time to go for know, ttyl