The Lost Princess

Jan 2011
2:45 AM


It courses through me. Unstoppable. How can I contain an entity which permeates my very being? It turns me into a monster, green skinned and horrific. The slightest provocation can set me off, turn me into the beast. Let me find beauty. let me find love. I needs the forgiveness. The cleansing.

Dec 2010
7:47 AM


Yes, Christmas is in two days, yet it doesn't feel like it at all. Its raining tropical rain, an amazing eclipse. A star dying in a fiery last attempt to reach its light out to us. Something big is coming. We aren't prepared. Whether Aliens, God, or man-made weapons destroy us, its going to be sooner...
1 comment(s) - 12:02 AM - 12/28/2010

Dec 2010
1:37 PM


Im trying to get on with my life. Trying to change my destiny, or something like that. I live for free and I feel like a leech. My conscious is killing me over it. I want to change, I want to leave this town and find something better for me! Im not used to doing things alone, and I have almost no knowledge of how to function as an adult. I wish my parents had prepared me for this.
2 comment(s) - 11:11 AM - 12/19/2010

May 2010
6:19 PM EDT

Once upon a time....

I think the thing I'm most happy about is quitting drugs. My life used to be hectic and emotional, I didn't know if I was going to eat that day, or if sleep was in the schedule for that day. My life was never perfect, but the 2 years that meth was in my life, I didnt know what was right or wrong. I lived with random people, I slept with people I barely knew. Im so ashamed of some of the things Ive done. Once I sold the Amplifier my dad got me for my twelfth birthday and the tv I got on Christmas for drugs in Tucson. I ditched my own friends. But Im glad to say Ive never stolen or robbed anyone. I had a good job, but after a week of not sleeping and barely eating I got sick and couldnt even move for 3 days. I lost my job, brought worry and chaos to my family, and gave myself a terrible reputation. My teeth were weakened and I ended up chipping one if them. They still hurt me. So all in all if i ever ever end up doing that again.... Ill probably kill myself. haha
1 comment(s) - 10:34 PM - 05/21/2010

DarkPrincessaMiranda's Profile

  • Username: DarkPrincessaMiranda
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Arizona
    Photo Album

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    About Me: Im 20, I have a hard time concentrating on things, easily distracted and love my family. I have on baby kitten, her name is pandora, but I like to call her The Beast. :P

    Interests: I love music, writing, reading, swimming, night hikes, and the pretty stuff in nature. I love sparkly shiny things.

    Favorite Music: Rock, emo, screamo. The Used, FFTL, alesana, Chiodos, Framing Hanley, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Underoath, The Almost, and otheres of that genre.

    Favorite Movies: Beauty and the Beast. All of Tim Burton's films, Batman, all the disney princess movies. And Avatar.

    Favorite Television: Adult Swim, cartoons... uhm, geek channel (G4). I like to watch fashion shows like rue paul and tyra.

    Favorite Books: Beauty, the dark jewels trilogy, anything by Jude Deveroux, some Steven King, uhm... horror and fantasy.