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Cutiepie112793's Journal
Aug 2006
9:09 PM EDT
LIFE SUCKS LIfe is good i guess and i don't feel like i've had such a good summer. i mean it was short ana dkind of boring, wait waht am i saying it was totally fun. I had fun it was just too short. School starts in about two or three weeks and i don't feel like going back to school. Well i still can have fun during school and on the weeekends but its stiill not the same. U know not waking up @ about 6:30 in the morning since i take alot of time in the bathroom doing make-up, hair, jewlery and much more including finding the right clothes and shoes and cute matching jacket or coat. Plus my mom has changed since she has her boyfriend and i feel shes alittle in there. I mean she has not changed thta much but we don't do the same things with me as she usued to like going 2 the spa 2gether and going to the movies and just going out to eat annd others. But other thenn that im fine not talking about school. Well folks it about 1a.m. and im getting tired so see yall lata. Signed, CutiePie112793
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Female, 32
USA - Ohio
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