My sister called crying. She is moving and has to handle it while her husband works. This is hard for me because this is the sister who rarely talks to me, slept with every boyfriend I had, and has torn our family apart piece by piece over the years. On top of that she lives an hour away. Why would I even bother driving all that way with gas prices the way they are just take her some boxes? Because she is my sister and no matter what I still love her. She's crazy, twisted, and a trouble maker but there is always something I see that makes me think she could be a better person. Too bad she won't try. She does have 3 children there who could help her. They are all 10 and up so it's not like they can't help pack but then she says, the issue is,�she can't get boxes. I know once I get there she will want me to stay and help. How do I get out of that? I have a huge list of things to do today but that won't matter to her. I guess I will have to complete as much as possible from my to do list. This way it is done before I get stuck at her house. My mom and I are the only ones left in the family that feel sorry enough for her to stop and do things for her. Everyone else would rather go about their day as if she was not around. I always think about what Mom said while we were growing up... Be nice to each other and never say I hate you. Something bad will happen and you will never forgive yourself. I am also one of those family peace makers just like my Mom. This burden can be extremely stressful especially between my older and younger sisters. There is no fixing that and my brother avoids my older sister and is civil if their paths happen to cross. Our family is perfect and everyone gets along but only without the oldest in the picture and this needs to be fixed!