Calmin's Journal

Sep 2008
1:02 PM EDT

Another Day In The Life...

A comforting few days this week. Fall is here and things are cooling down outside. To celebrate I've turned off the A.C. and opened my single window and screen door. Wonderfully fall scented breezes have been entering my apartment and chasing away the stale cigarette and bachelor smell.

Tuesday I woke up full of energy and finally got all of my dishes washed and the kitchen straightnened out. They'd been in desperate need of cleaning ever since Adam left several weeks ago. It was a bit of a pain because the kitchen sink hasn't been working for, again, several weeks. I ended up filling the sinks from the tub using the water bottles usually kept in the refridgerator. After I'd done that, everything was pretty simple and only took a coupla hours.

I also managed to go out and get a cheap tv stand. It's pretty poor quality, but it will last until I move in June and released my poor hassock from tv stand duty. Man is it nice to be able to put my feet up again!

Oh, and I got the sink fixed shortly after coming back with the tv stand. The guy came in and just unscrewed the end of the faucet (the name for this part escapes me at the moment) and removed a piece of rubber that had gotten caught there plugging up the whole works. It made me feel like an idiot. I could have done that if I'd thought about it. Here I am thinking that it has something to do with running the faucet at the same time as the shower or dishwasher, or that there's air in the line or something and it's just this stupid piece of rubber! Well... I told him about the dishwasher's problem and he said he needed to order a part for it. That made me feel marginally better.

Really, it didn't bother me too much. When he'd left I sat back relaxed and drank a few Rob Roys. What a great end to a day off!

Work's been okay. I get less than excited whenever I realize it's nearing time to go, but it's...well, to be frank, it's pretty boring when I get there. I really need another line of work. But that's one of the reasons I'm going into the woods next June so...

Okay, that's enough for now. If I think of anything else momentous I'll write again.

1 comment(s) - 08:40 AM - 09/26/2008

Calmin's Profile

  • Username: Calmin
  • Gender / Age: Male, 46
  • Location: USA - South Carolina
    CALMIN's Interests:

    About Me:  Leaves on Water myspace layout