Wow my parents are awful, this morning it was go ahead and get your laptop for college and this evening it is i dont want to spend any more money on computers what's your problem! What's all that about!!! Now thanks to her not wanting to spend money i can't afford to go to college till next year! Way to go mom! make me never graduate and annoy me to the point of going insane.... i am so stressed out between babysitting,working, cleaning, running the house,and trying to get in a couple of hours of study� i can't take it anymore. and on top of it all she won't allow me to move out or get a college loan! This is total cabin fever like. I don't know what i'm going to do about it all.... I mean what do i do? i'm cornered in awful cercumstances� with no way out in site. Plus living in this house and sharing a bedroom with everyone is driving me nuts! Well maybe i'll elaborate on this subject later but right now i need to let off some steam....
Well, im trying to study my brains out for the GED. And im having trouble getting a good laptop and money for college, maybe this journal will be my college journal, the life of a student/ young adult trying to make her way in the world.. That's sounds so much better. Also some other troubles of a older teen are: driving lessons,paying your insurance and vet bills for your pup, finding housing and scraping cash together for a life. Actually kellena my friend is doing a little better than me she already has a car and is starting her driving lessons, hopfully i'll start next week or the next! :-)