Bonnie's Journal
Oct 2006
2:47 PM EDT
This Is the Meaning of Love … by Emily Matthews Someone who makes you feel good about living Who brings out the you who is joyful and giving – This is the meaning of love. Something that gives you a chance to be strong, Or trust in another to help you along – This is the meaning of love. Somewhere that you feel like you’ve been forever – A place where you’re growing and learning together – This is the meaning of love. This was part of a card that Steve gave me early on in our relationship - I remember being quite surprised that a man had such an ability to pick out something so touching and not feel the least bit intimidated in giving it.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 66
USA - New York
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About Me:
On January 14th, 2006 I met Steve face to face for the first time. I arrived at the Duncan Donuts parking lot at the Clifton Country Mall around 5 PM just as it was beginning to sleet never once giving it a thought that it had been forecasted to snow that evening. It turned out to be the worst snow storm we had that season and it took us 2 hours a piece or better to arrive back home when the trip was normally in good conditions at least 45 minutes. Between Duncan Donuts, the mall, and 99 Steve and I spent over 6 hours chatting and walking, walking and chatting. This journal is mostly devoted to private entries to Steve to express some of the very personal feelings I have been experiencing since we began and decided to date each other exclusively after that first meeting. I have decided to some times post some other touching moments between us that are a little less illicit.